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Holistic Yin Yoga Teacher Training - 50H


2025 Location TBA

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Note: This training is often sold out, reserve your place soon!

Looking for an opportunity to take your yoga practice and teaching to a deeper place? This is the training immersion for you!

This training comprehends an integral education in the practice of Holistic Yin Yoga, providing students in-depth knowledge of the human body, ranging from a fascia and nervous system perspective to a subtle energetic approach with meridian theory, allowing students to experience the different layers of the practice and teaching methods.

Both an integral education and a personal self-care retreat, the Holistic Yin Yoga Training is one of our favourite trainings of the year, with meaningful practices to help us contemplate, reflect and digest.

This course has been a deeply profound experience! It has proved so much more than your average training. The content is fascinating with a great structure having lectures in the morning and workshop style in the afternoon to provide the class with so much opportunity to truly embody the Yin experience. This is a beautiful approach and Sophia perfectly provides this. I will come away a much deeper practitioner both personally and as a teacher. Thank You Sofia!
Kirsty Charlton, UK


Functional Anatomy & Physiology applied to Yin Yoga:

  • Pathways of the Brain & Nervous System

  • Unwinding the Spine & Tension

  • Fascial System

  • Myofascial Lines

Subtle Anatomy & Application in Yin Yoga

  • 5 Element theory and Natural cycles

  • Postural meridian mapping

  • Integration of physical, energetic and spiritual bodies: Jing, Qi & Shen

  • The mind in meditation and yin practices

The Art of Teaching Holistic Yin Yoga

  • Effective communication and voice positioning

  • The art of sequencing yin classes with progression from beginner to advance

  • The use of props and variations for students with limited range of movement and injuries

  • Teaching breath work and pranayama in yin classes

Holistic Health & Yin Yoga

  • Holistic Nutrition and seasonal eating

  • Seasonal regimes for organ health and meridian flow

  • Cultivating a Yin lifestyle in a Yang society

  • Integrated Movement, Nutrition & Lifestyle


8am – 10amYin Yoga Practice
10am – 11amBreakfast Break
1:30pm – 3:30pmLunch Break
3:30pm – 5:30pmLectures and Group Sessions
5.30pm – 7pmYoga Practice & Meditation
7.30pm - 9pmDinner
This course was perfectly structured and with great balance between theory and practice. I enjoyed the lectures, the discussions and how the practice and the contents matched really well. Sophia has an ability to create a quiet, calm and focused atmosphere in all her classes. For the first time in my life I have experienced deep, intense and beautiful meditations. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Elvira Holder, Switzerland


1750€ - Single Room

All tuitions and manual, meals and accommodation for 7 days and 6 nights


1550€ - Shared Room

All tuitions and manual, meals and accommodation for 7 days and 6 nights




Learn more about our Portugal Venue

Learn More About Our Spain Venue

I had no prior experience with Yin yoga but now after one week of this training I feel inspired to continue practice with the information and experience from this course and I will be able to integrate it in my own work very well. It was definitely a journey well taken.
Tina Sahl, Germany

Our Training Location

Belize is a tropical paradise facing the Caribbean Sea in Central America. Known for its wonderful weather, happy people, and thriving expat communities, it is a land full of sun, fun and friends.

Omshanti, located in Belize City, is a holistic wellness center with green surroundings, spa, cafe, and a community of health-minded people practicing yoga, tai-chi, and mindfulness.

The Teacher

Sofia Araujo


Words from a few of our wonderful students from past yin yoga teacher trainings



Please contact us with any questions, concerns, or other inquiry you may have. We want to hear from you!

    This teacher training really helped me to recognize and reconnect with myself in a very deep and conscious way and to remind me about what yoga essence really is.
    Thank you Swara yoga school and specially Sophia for providing me that experience throughout the week I was able to feel the deepest emotional release that I ever felt in my whole life and I’m so grateful for that.
    I strongly advise this course not only for teaching yoga but also to integrate in any other styles of yoga as it was wonderful to learn about meridians, the 5 Elements and their connection to our body and everything else inside of us.
    Vania Dias, Portugal